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Moodle Assignment Submission Plugin Help

The Assignment Submission Plugin provides the ability for Teachers/Lecturers to create an assignment within Moodle and for students to upload video/audio content in their assignment submission.

Assignment submissions added via Moodle are converted into a streaming media format and stored on your Planet eStream system. Submissions are private and are not available to users visiting the Planet eStream system.

Teachers/Lecturers can then view all submitted assignments from within Moodle Gradebook.

It's also possible to use the plugin to upload a video as a form of student feedback.

How to Create a New Assignment as a Teacher/Lecturer

  • Within the relevant course page within Moodle, turn editing on and click Add an activity or resource.
  • Click Assignment and then click the Add button.
  • Enter a name and a description for the new assignment.

    To insert a video containing the description of your assignment:

    • Click the Media icon in the toolbar of the text editor, the Insert media dialogue will appear.
    • Click Browse repositories.
    • From the options on the left, click Planet eStream Search.
    • At this stage you can use the search box to enter keywords, search the Planet eStream system, locate and embed an item into the description of the assignment.


    • Upload a video/audio file from your system, and embed the video in the description of the assignment.

      To upload a file:

      • Click the add & embed link - the upload dialogue will appear.
      • Click the Browse button and select the file to be uploaded.
      • Enter a title and description for the item.
      • Set the options for the item.

        Set the upload as Public to make the item available both within the description of the assignment and potentially also available to users directly visiting the Planet eStream system. Set the upload as Private to be available within the description of the assignment only.

      • Click the Upload File button. The upload dialogue will close and the uploaded file will be converted into a streaming media format by the Planet eStream server.
      • Click Search to find the uploaded item. Please note that the item will be represented as a placeholder until the file has been processed by the Planet eStream server.
      • Select the item within the search results and click Insert media. The placeholder will be inserted into the description of the assignment and subsequently automatically replaced with an embedded video player containing the uploaded video/audio content.
  • Under Availability, select the dates that submissions are accepted from/until.
  • Under Submission types, tick the Video/Audio Submission option. De-select the other options.
  • Set the remainder of the options for the assignment, if required. For comprehensive details on the options available, please see the Moodle Assignment Docs.
  • Click the Save and display button at the bottom of the page.

How to View/Grade Submitted Assignments as a Teacher/Lecturer

  • Click on the link to the assignment from within the course page in Moodle.
  • Click the view/grade all submissions link.
  • The uploaded media for each submission will be displayed and can be graded using the standard Moodle grading tools.
  • To open Moodle Gradebook, select View gradebook from the Grading action list.
  • For comprehensive instructions on grading, please see the Moodle Gradebook Docs.
  • You can also use the Planet eStream plugin to upload a video as feedback on a student's submission.

How to Submit an Assignment as a Student

  • Click on the link to the assignment from within the course page in Moodle.
  • The upload page will load, containing a dialogue with Browse and Upload buttons.
  • Click Browse and select the Video/Audio file to be uploaded.
  • Click Upload to upload the file.
  • Once the upload has completed, the page will automatically refresh and display a placeholder representing your submission.
  • The submission process is now complete and no further action is required. Your submission will be processed by the Planet eStream server and the placeholder will be automatically replaced with an embedded video player containing the uploaded video/audio content.