Website Help


The Planet eStream Website provides detailed statistics on the content stored on the system. Below is a breakdown on which statistics you can view and what they show.

Statistics breakdown

  • Monthly Growth Over Time: A line chart showing both the total items on the system at specific dates, as well as how many items were not marked as deleted at that time.
  • Viewing Activity Report: A daily, weekly or monthly report of items that have been viewed at different times.
  • Media Created Report: A daily, weekly or monthly report of how many items have been created at different times.
  • Search Breakdown: A list of the terms users have searched for, from most to least.
  • Publishing Policy Breakdown: A list of publishing policies and how many items are present in each.
  • Record Type Breakdown: A pie chart showing how many items are standard recording, photosets, etc.
  • Programmes by Channel: A list of TV channels and how many programmes that belong to that channel are currently on the system.
  • Deleted Files Usage: This bar chart accesses your media drive and shows how much space deleted files are currently taking up in each.
  • Items Not Viewed: A list of items that have never been viewed.
  • Most Viewed Items: A list of the items on the system with at least 1 view, ordered by their total views.
  • Category Breakdown: A list of categories and how many items belong in each category.
  • Videos by Duration: A list of videos ordered by their duration.
  • Downloaded Items: A list of items that have been downloaded at least one. Note: This statistic will only count items downloaded after the new statistics system was introduced.
  • Downloaded Source Media: A list of source media items that have been downloaded at least one. Note: This statistic will only count items downloaded after the new statistics system was introduced.
  • Media Drive Usage: A pie chart of how many space different types of media are taking up on your physical media drive.
  • Top Publishers: A list of the users in the order of the amount of items they have uploaded.
  • Top Viewers: A list of users in the order of how many items they have viewed.
  • Top 10 Quiz Creators: A bar chart of the top 10 users that have created the most Quizzes within Planet eStream.
  • Source Breakdown: A list of media sources (Freeview, Encoder etc.) in order of the most items to the least.


  • Different statistics have different filters available to narrow down any search results.
  • Global/User: 'Global' will show statistics for all users. You can select 'User' and then enter a username to display statistics only for one user, or check the box to instead exclude that user from the results.
  • Time: Select a pre-set time range filter, or select 'Selected Range' and then enter a custom range into the boxes below.
  • There are also checkboxes for content item types, video types and document types.

Detailed Item Lists

  • Some statistics contain a column containing a number that can be clicked. These links will open modal windows containing detailed lists of items relating to the current statistics. For example, clicking the number next to 'Connect' in the 'Items' column of the Source Breakdown statistic will display a list of all Planet eStream Connect items. In this modal, you can sometimes click the item names to open them in a new tab.

Pie Chart Filtering

  • In the Record Type Breakdown and Media Drive Usage statistics, you can click the names of some results to hide them from the pie chart.

Download .CSV

  • Some statistics show a "Download .CSV" button that will export the current statistics to a .CSV file, which should be automatically downloaded.