Website Help


Subscriptions are shown on your MyHome Page and provide an easy method of keeping up-to-date with new content added or recommended by a user, or new content added to a Category.

For details of how to manage your Subscriptions, please see the MyHome Help Page.

Please note: Your ability for you to Subscribe is based on your permissions within Planet eStream. The option to Subscribe may therefore not be available to you.

This help page refers to Categories, however on your system Categories have been renamed to Departments.

How to Subscribe to a User when Searching

  • Navigate to the Planet eStream Homepage and perform a search.

  • Each search result shows the name of the user who created the item.

  • Click the name of the user to display the following options:

    • View User's Page

      Click this option to visit the user's Public Page.

    • Show more from this user

      Click this option to see more content added to by the user.

    • Add subscription

  • Click Add to subscribe to the user.

How to Subscribe to a User when Viewing an Item

  • Navigate to the Planet eStream Homepage and perform a search.

  • Click on the title of an item to view the item.

  • The details tab will show details of the age of the record and the author. For instance Recording added Today by Lora Jones.

  • Select the name of the user to display the following options:

    • View User's Page

      Click this option to visit the user's Public Page.

    • Show more from this user

      Select this option to see more content added to by the user.

    • Add subscription

  • Click Add to subscribe to the user.

How to Subscribe to a Category

  • From the Planet eStream Homepage, click Categories and navigate to the relevant category.

  • Within the Category page, click Subscribe.

How to View / Manage your Subscriptions

  • Your Subscriptions are stored in your MyHome area. Please see the MyHome Help Page.