Accessibility Guide

General Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt + B Ctrl + Alt + B
Toggle sidebar
Alt + M Ctrl + Alt + M
Open module switcher

Photo Library Specific Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt + U Ctrl + Alt + U
Open file selector for uploading
Alt + S Ctrl + Alt + S
Start select mode in search results
Alt + T Ctrl + Alt + T
Open Tag search filter
Alt + L Ctrl + Alt + L
Open advanced search filters
Alt + R Ctrl + Alt + R
Reset search filters
Alt + 1 Ctrl + Alt + 1
Open first item search result
Alt + C Ctrl + Alt + C
Switch to Collection search results
Alt + P Ctrl + Alt + P
Switch to Photo search results


If you have any feedback regarding the accessibilty of the Planet eStream Photo Library Module please contact the team at the following email address.